GED Calculator

Do you have to bring a calculator to the GED test?

Do you need a GED Calculator?

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This is the crucial question that so many GED test takers ask themselves as soon as they hear the words "GED calculator!" So let me get this out of the way upfront:

You don't have to buy a calculator for the GED test! You will be provided with a calculator that you can use for free on your computer. That being said, there are multiple benefits to getting your own GED calculator to use on test day. 

4 Reasons to get the GED calculator

Of course, only you can decide what's going to help you the most. Whether you get the GED calculator or not, you can still pass the GED test. This being said, having your own calculator will only boost your score. Here are some reasons why you should consider getting the GED calculator:

  • You'll save time on the test, because the buttons on the computer calculator can be slower to click
  • You may feel more confident having the calculator you've practiced with there with you for the real test.
  • If you're planning to go to college after the GED, you'll probably need a good calculator.
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     Peace of mind. It'll be one less thing to worry about. 

2 Reasons NOT to get the GED calculator

I've done GED test prep since 2015, and have only ever heard 2 reasons why GED test takers choose not to get the GED calculator. The first is that they're intimidated or worried about how long it will take to master the GED calculator. The second is the cost. Let me address the first reason now.

If you're used to using the basic calculator on your phone, a calculator with more buttons can be at least a little confusing at first. But honestly, there's not that much more to learn.

You can master the GED test calculator in about 5 minutes. After you learn what the buttons do, it's just a matter of practicing. But since you're already going to be practicing for the GED test anyway, it won't add any extra time to just add using your calculator into your studying. 

The best resource to learn how to use the calculator is the GED Testing Service's Calculator Reference Guide. This guide is 100% free, and will also be provided to you on the exam. However, it's best to make sure you know how to use the calculator before the test starts. 

As far as the cost goes, it all comes down to a personal decision.

The GED test typically costs test takers between $100 - $200. Why?

Well, you'll have to page to take each of the 4 GED sections. And you're going to want to do at least one GED Ready practice test for each test section, which will cost you $6 each. So the minimum you'll pay for the practice tests is $24 because 6x4 = 24. But this will be even more if you take multiple practice tests.

Factor on top of that the costs of prep books or other study resources, and it's not hard to see where that $100 - $200 comes from. 

So then, there are two ways to look at the cost of the calculator.

1. Since the cost of the test will probably be at least $100 already, so another $20 on top of that for a calculator that can potentially boost your score doesn't sound like that much more.

2. On top of the cost you'll already be paying, another $20 for a calculator that you don't even need won't be worth it.

Now, obviously, I can't make this decision for you. So my best advice is to make sure you can afford the basic stuff first (scheduling each section, getting practice tests, etc.). After that, if an extra $20 or so isn't a hardship for you, then I say go for it. 

What type of calculator are you allowed to use on the GED test?

According to the official GED testing service, the exact calculator that you're allowed to use is the TI-30XS Multiview Scientific Calculator. You can use your calculator on the math, science, and social studies sections. To use your GED calculator on test day, be sure to bring it with you to the testing center. If you forget it at home, you'll have to use the onscreen calculator. 

Where can you get the GED calculator? First, you can check at your local bookstore or electronics store. If you have a friend who took the GED test recently, you can see if they'll let you borrow their calculator. Also, note that if you're taking a GED prep class through a college or community college, the campus bookstore should have the calculator that you need. 

If none of these options will work for you, then the best place to get the GED calculator is on Amazon.

Which questions can you use the GED calculator for on GED math?

On GED math, the test is split into 2 parts. The first part is very short and has only 5 questions. You cannot use your calculator on these first 5 questions. However, you an use it on all of the other questions after the first 5.

Don't be afraid to use the calculator as much as possible! As long as you enter the right numbers into the calculator, you'll get the answers much faster than you would by trying to do the math by hand!

Your Next Step

Have you decided whether or not to buy a calculator for the GED? Once you're ready to move on to the next, you'll have to master the calculations. You'll want to check out my free ged math practice test next!


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