University GED® Test Study Shows Why Some Fail and Others Succeed


Taking The GED® Test? Give Me 10 Minutes And I’ll Give You The Secret To Success

Revealed in this post…


  1. Misconceptions about success on the GED test 
  2. What successful GED test takers said was the most important factor for passing 
  3. How YOU can use this knowledge to WIN! 


Hard Times

For many today, high paying jobs are getting harder to come by, and more and more employers are expecting job applicants to be well-educated.
For those who were unable to complete high school for whatever reason, the GED test is an excellent chance to get a second shot at both succeeding academically, and at pursuing the career of your dreams.

Completing the test can be the great stepping-stone towards success for those who pass, but unfortunately, not everybody who sets out to pass does…


A University GED test Study Sheds Some Light 

Researchers at the University of Kansas and at Iowa State University believe they have identified the number one personal factor for GED test success. In this academic study, they reveal that this factor is desire

The study included statements made by students who were surveyed. 

Let’s look at what they said (please note that I’m quoting directly from the study, these are NOT my students).


 I’ve been out of high school for 10 years. I haven’t had the opportunity or time. 

It was always an excuse to go to work or to do something else. 
Even though I had all that to do now while I was doing online, I was able to succeed because I had that push to do it.



I’ve grown up and realized what is important. 

I’ve never thought of dropping out this time. I tried and dropped out twice before – 8 years ago. 

This time I am determined to do it. I want to prove I can do it. 

One thing I believe you need to do is believe in yourself and stick to it. 

You have to do it for yourself. If you don’t want to do it for yourself you’re not going to get it.


I think you have to do this for yourself. If you don’t have your mind made up, you won’t succeed…

…I have confidence that when I go back to school I won’t struggle as much as I thought.


Misconceptions about the GED test

Many seem to think outstanding math and reading skills, a schedule free from conflicts, and an ideal family situation are the most important factors for test success. 

Okay, so it’s true that you need to develop adequate skills to pass the test. 

And yes, scheduling study sessions can present problems for making progress. 

Also, I firmly believe that family needs to come first 100% of the time. 

I would never suggest for you to discount your problems, only to address them however you need to, and then find a way to get back on track as soon as you can!

It seems that the students who have succeeded on the test faced many of these issues, and still found a way to win.

That’s the bottom line as I see it: to pass the GED test you need to be willing to find a way to win no matter what is going on in your life, and no matter what setbacks seem to be occurring!

In order to develop this kind of will to win, you need to have a STRONG DESIRE to SUCCEED! 

How do you know if you have the kind of desire it will take? 
One way to determine this is to ask yourself if passing the test is something you really desire, or if it’s something you just “kinda-sorta” want.

Kinda-sorta Wanting Something VS Really Desiring Something

Ever since I was a little kid, I always wished I could draw well. However, to this day, I’ll admit I’m still pretty terrible at drawing!

A few years ago, I bought a book about how to draw better. I worked through it a little bit everyday for about a week before I got distracted, forgot about it, and ultimately gave up on learning how to draw!

Every now and then I’ll get inspired and go through a stage where I start trying to learn all over again, but I’ve never stuck with it, and in turn I’ve experienced very little improvement (if any).

What’s wrong with this picture?

Clearly I only kinda-sorta wanted to learn how to draw; it wasn’t something I really desired! 

There are many people out there who want to pass the GED test, but find themselves with one foot in the door, and one foot out of the door. 

To pass, you absolutely need to have both feet in the door! It can’t just be something you kinda-sorta want to do, you MUST really DESIRE the end result to obtain it!

I challenge anyone out there who is preparing right now to make sure that passing the test is something you really desire, not just something you only kinda-sorta want to accomplish. 

This is CRUCIAL to your success because you’ll almost certainly run into some setbacks as you prepare to take the test.

If you TRULY DESIRE the end result, you won’t fold when the going gets tough! 

When roadblocks occur, most people start asking themselves questions like:
Is it really worth it? 

Can I really do this? 

And they start thinking thoughts like:
 I’ll never be good at math… 
I have too many other things going on right now to study…

Know that it’s perfectly normal to have doubts about passing the test from time to time! 

In fact, many students say they experienced the most self-doubt right when they were closest to passing!

The important thing is to not let your fears, anxieties, and doubts stop you from going after your goal! 

If you just keep trying long enough, you’ll surely pass!

Even if you took the test before and were unsuccessful, don’t give up! Sometimes it just takes a few tries!
I repeat: 

If you just keep trying long enough, you’ll surely pass!
Again, I would never suggest for you to ignore your problems, only to seriously think hard about whether or not you can find a way around them! My guess is that in most cases YOU CAN.  

If you only kinda-sorta want to pass the test, when the going gets tough (and it always does in some way), your chances of staying on course are very slim. 

Please keep this in mind as you study! With a strong enough desire, you can overcome all obstacles and win on the test! 

Thanks for reading!

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