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Who else wants to get better grades while DOUBLING or even TRIPLING their free time? 

Do you ever worry about running out of time?

You probably already know that we live in a fast-paced society. Doesn’t everyone always seem to be looking for ways to work harder, to get more done, and to be better?


I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed how some of those around you never seem to worry about how they’re going to manage their workload. How are they doing it so easily while you’re struggling to juggle everything on your busy plate?


Maybe when you’re around them, you put on a front like you’re on top of everything too. And no one seems to notice that inside you’re stressed out. You’ve got so much to do today that you don’t even know where to start. But then again, that’s every day.


On one hand, you know that success in life is about so much more than just grades and test scores. But on the other, you’re smart enough to know that these numbers really do matter. You realize that you need high scores on your resume if you want to move ahead.

And you can’t help but wonder if you’re doing enough. Whenever you’re not studying or working towards your goals you feel PRESSURE to keep pace with those around you.

Have You Ever Felt Stress Due to Time Pressure?

If you answered "YES," it's vital to understand that experts have linked higher stress levels to poor health results. Below are some facts you should know. 

  • Dr. Heffner of the University of Rochester Medical Center says “stress is comparable to other risk factors...like hypertension, poor diet and lack of exercise."
  • Dr. Cohen of Carnegie Mellon found your risk of catching a cold is DOUBLED after a month of chronic stress.
  • Researchers at Ohio State found that medical students with less stress were healthier.  

Warning! College Students Must Read This

If you’re in college right now, as you read this, do you ever worry about what’s going to happen after graduation? Picture yourself on that fateful day now...

You’re wearing your cap, which you decorated with a glue gun, stickers, and scrapbook paper. The cap fits perfectly with your gown and tassels--all coordinated to match your school’s colors. Then comes that pivotal moment when you finally toss your cap up into the sea of hundreds (or even thousands) of others. 

When the Facebook and Instagram likes stop trickling in on your graduation photos, and the thrill of graduating fades, will you be left wondering why you didn't accomplish more during your time in college?






Will your resume stack up against hundreds of thousands of others competing for jobs and spots in grads schools? 

There has to be a better way though, right?

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    Yes–There's a Better Way! 
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    Yes–You Can Get the Grades you Want and Still Enjoy More Free Time
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    Yes–You Can Have More Freedom and Fun In Your Schedule! 

Just between you and me, here's a little known secret: life gets so much better when you're no longer living under constant time pressure. You DON'T have to spend all of your free time studying to get the best grades. In fact, you could probably cut much of the time you're spending now and your grades would only improve!

Don't believe me? That's okay. I'm a skeptical person too--that is, until I understand how something works. The solution is to improve your time management skills to the point where you can still get the grades you want, while having more time to enjoy life. 

Whatever the good life means for you--going to parties, chilling in with friends, or spending more time with family--you can deserve to have more of it. You don't have to sacrifice all of your free time to move ahead. Not by a long shot.

So how do you increase your time management skills? Keep reading, because you're about to find out....


The Time Management Transformation


A Total Transformation

Transform your time management skills from where they are now into perfection that will benefit you for years to come.


6+ Hours of Info-Packed Videos

Why waste time reading hundreds of books on time management, when everything you need to know is right here?


A Step-by-Step Plan to Save Time

Discover the perfect system to save time so you can alleviate worry and doubt about how you'll get everything done.


Research-Based Training

Instruction based on what's proven to work in real life, NOT just in the textbooks.

Course Lessons 

Below is a brief look at what you'll learn in each lesson of the training course. 


The Time Management Mindset. A big part of time management is having confidence in your ability to manage time. You'll learn how to overcome mental blocks that hold you back. 


Self-Talk. We all have an internal dialog. Learn how to ensure yours will support you as you set out to become more productive.


Visualization. Olympic athletes and other high achievers swear by visualization. Learn how to utilize it to become more effective.


Goals. Goals are the starting point of time management. Learn a simple method for setting and accomplishing goals. 


Strategic Relaxation. Stop studying so much and relax more. Your grades will still improve if you do this right, as you'll learn how to do.


Being On Time. 15 - 20% of us are always late. You'll learn 9 simple strategies to ensure you're never late again. 


Organization. When you can get organized effectively, getting the grades you want will be so easy it'll feel like you're cheating!


To-Do List Management Basics. Let's be real--everyone knows how to make a to-do list. But studies show 41% of to-do list items never get done. Learn how to stack the odds in your favor.


Categorizing Your To-Do List. Take the basic to-do list management system you'll learn further in this lesson.


Tasks and Action Steps. Stuck on a big project? You'll learn here how to easily move forward. 


Estimating Time for Completion. Learn virtually foolproof systems for estimating how long tasks will tasks will take accurately.


Prioritizing. If you can't set priorities the right way, then you can't manage time. It's that simple. Learn everything you need to here.


Planning to Win Pt 1. Benjamin Franklin once said failing to plan is planning to fail. Learn a 6-step system to plan for maximum achievement. 


Planning to Win Pt 2. This lesson expands on the prior lesson and shows you how to quickly craft monthly, weekly, and daily plans. 


Beating Procrastination and Maximizing Focus. What good are time management skills to you if you can't motivate yourself to get started? Here you'll learn how to beat procrastination and maximize your focus. 


Tips and Tactics to Boost Productivity. In this lesson (one of my favorites to make), we tie together many of the foundational concepts and look at how to apply them through various tactics.


Being Assertive. Nobody likes disappointing others, so it can be hard to say "no" sometimes when you have to study. Learn how to politely assert yourself so that you get what you want while still maintaining (and even strengthening) relationships. 


Finishing What You Start. Have you ever started a project only to get stuck and struggle to finish it? You'll learn how to blast past these sticking points.

101 Things You'll Learn 
Inside The Course

As you continue to read this page and grow more and more interested in taking part in The Time Management Transformation, one question might come to mind: What will I learn when I join the course? Let this list of 101 things you'll learn be a starting point to help you see the tremendous opportunity here.

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    The 2 Most Common Mistakes Students Make when Managing their Free Time...and How to Avoid Them
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    What to Do When You're so Overwhelmed with Work that Your Head is Spinning 
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    9 Crucial Methods to Ensure You're Never Late 
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    What Irresistible Lesson Comedian Kevin Hart Can Teach us About Mindset and Time Management 
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    The Champions' Rule of Thumb For Making Decisions About How to Spend Your Time–Never be Paralyzed by Indecision Again
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    The Fascinating Discovery Researchers from Morehead State University Made about High GPA Students...And How YOU Can Get All the Rewards for Using It!
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    How to Eliminate Limiting Time Management Beliefs–Gain Calm, Confidence in Your Ability to Manage Time
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    How to Be Your Own Cheerleader for Time-Saving Success with Champion Statements
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    The Effortless Exercise Olympic Gold Medalist Michael Phelp's Coach Had Phelps Do Daily...And How it Will Help You Get More Done
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    How to Manage Your To-Do List in as Little as 5 Minutes a Day–Save Time and Frustration
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    How to Use a Key Finding From a University of Chicago Study for HUGE Leaps in Productivity
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    The Top Digital Tools and Apps Straight-A Students are Using for Time Management
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    A Method for Staying Motivated, Starting Work Earlier, and Raising Your Grades Discovered by University of Western Florida Researchers
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    How to Be Assertive when you Have to Study While Still Strengthening Friendships
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    The Top 2 Reasons Students Procrastinate Based on Research...And How to Put a Stop to It
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    How to Set and Achieve your Goals by Mastering Time Management
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    How to Make Room for More Freedom and Fun In Your Schedule
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    How to add "Checkpoints" to Your Plans to Know if You're On Track to Reach Your Goals
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    How to Reduce "Procrastination Urges" to Stay In the Game Longer than Ever Before
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    How to Determine What the Perfect Study and Rest Interval is to Get More Done
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    What Studies from a top University in the Netherlands Tell Us About How Relaxing More Can Boost Your Decision Making Skills
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    How People Perceive Time Differently Based on Personality Type, and What This Means for You
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    The Time-Saving Secret that Best-Selling Author C. Northcote Parkinson Knew Back in the 1950s that Most Today Still Don't Know or Use
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    An Unbeatable, Life-Changing Trick Revealed to Us By the Father of Modern Psychology
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    How to Instantly Gain more Energy When You're Feeling Sluggish Without Eating, Drinking, Sleeping, or Even Exercising!
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    How to Analyze and Fix Patterns that May Be Causing you to Frequently Be Late
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    How to Use "Time Buffers" to Finish Work Early
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    The 1st Step to Getting Organized that's So Easy a Child Could Do It (It's Not What You Think)
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    How Putting Just 20% of Effort in Can Get you 80% of the Way to Your Goal Most of the Time
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    How "Theme-ing" Certain Days of the Week Leads to Drastically Lower Stress Levels
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     How to AVOID Wasting Precious Time When You Get Stuck While Working On a Project
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    The Difference Between Internal and External Distractions
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    3 Steps to Beat Worry About Your Workload
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    A Fast 3 Question Process You Can Use at the End of Every Month to Evaluate Progress Towards Your Goals and Gain Valuable Insights About how to Improve for the Future
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    The Key Difference Between Effectiveness and Efficiency...Stop Letting Time Slip Away!
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    How to Minimize Internal Distractions
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    The 4-Quadrants Method for Prioritizing
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    The 2 Systems Your Brain Uses to Regulate Attention Span...And How to Leverage Them
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    What Nelson Mandela Can Teach Us About Forgiveness...And Why Knowing This Will Help You Be More Efficient
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    How Much Time "Multi-Tasking" Costs You
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    How to Reap AMAZING Benefits by Understanding and Applying the 80/20 Principle of Time Management
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    How to Put Order Back Into Your Life With Outstanding Strategies of Organization
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    4 Critical Reasons Why You're Losing Out On A lot By Not Understanding How to Plan Effectively
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    Just How Damaging Stress is to Your Health...And How to Start ELIMINATING Stress Through Time Management
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    How to "Troubleshoot" Your Study Plan When You Aren't Getting the Grades You Want and Deserve
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    How to Save Countless Hours Per Week in Just 5-15 Minutes of Planning Per Day
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    Why Trying to Do Everything on Your To-Do List Usually Backfires!
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    How Many Hours the Most Professors Say to Study for Outside of Class...And Why This is Usually the Wrong Approach
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    What's the Difference Between Having an Internal vs an External Locus of Control...And Which One Studies Show is Best for Effective Time Management
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    Why Clarifying What Really Matters to You Is Vital for Managing Your Time
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    Why Relying  on Willpower is Useless for Beating Distraction...And What DOES Work 
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    How to Optimize Your Notes to Study More On the Go
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    The 6 Laws of Prioritizing–Gain an Instinct for Always Knowing the Best Way to Use Your Time; Never Waste a Second Again!
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    How to Handle Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone When You Go to Move Ahead
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    3 Strategies to Remove the Guesswork from Deciding Whether to Push Yourself to Get More Done Now or to Call it a Night and Relax
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    A Brilliant "Brain-Rewiring" Strategy Uncovered by Harvard Medical School Researchers Using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Tests  
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    How to Craft A Working Study Plan
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    Step By Step Instructions for Creating a Schedule that Minimizes Effort, While Maximizing your Returns!
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    The Secret Weapon Actor Jim Carey Credits Much of His Success Too...And How to Use it Instantly To Accelerate Your Results
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    How to Craft A Working Study PlanStep-by-Step Instructions for Creating a Schedule that Minimizes Effort, While Maximizing your Returns!
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    Proven Strategies for Task Execution--Faster-Than-a-Lightening Bolt Techniques for Producing Thunderous Results... Weather the Procrastination Storm and "Reprogram" Yourself for Maximum Focus!
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    What the Key Signs of Burnout Are So you can Be Sure to Avoid It
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    How to Apply the Productivity Legend Peter Drucker's Advice On Optimizing Your Results
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    What We Can Learn About Time Management Success From NBA Legend Michael Jordan
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    The ONE Secret that Separates Poor, Good, and GREAT Time Managers...and How you Can Become Great Regardless of Where You're at!
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    What to Do when You’re Not Even Sure how to Start a Project or Assignment
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    How to Easily Estimate How Long Tasks Will Take to Complete So You Can Plan Your Schedule to Include More of What You Love to Do
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     What a Former Highest IQ Score World Record Holder Can Teach us About Getting Stuff Done
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    The 8 Problems You'll Permanently Solve When You Stop Being Late for Events 
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    The Simple Trick That Transforms your Productivity Into a Game
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     How to Maximize your Focus So you Can Learn Faster and Remember Longer
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    The Counter-Intuitive Reason Why Studying Less and Relaxing More Is one of the Best Ways to Master Time Management
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    Why 15 - 20% of Americans are Always Late...And How to NEVER be one of them again!
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    Why What We Commonly Think of as "Multi-Tasking" Is Actually Impossible
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    How to Strike the Right Balance Between Setting High and Realistic vs Unrealistic Goals 
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    The Mysterious Reason why Spending Less Time Studying Can Give you Better Grades...And How to Take Advantage
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    How to Break Large Tasks Down Into Straightforward, Manageable Action Steps
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    How Students Often Misunderstand the REAL Purpose of a To-Do List...And How to Make Sure You Don't Fall Into the Same Dangerous Trap
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    The 2 Brain Systems Detailed by Engineering Professor Dr. Barbra Oakley that Interact to Produce Learning...And Why Taking More Breaks Is Necessary to Learning Faster
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    The 2 Distinct Strategies for Getting Trivial Tasks and Chores Done to Make More Time for What Really Matters in Life
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    How to Overcome External Distractions
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    Which Supplies are Essential for Staying Organized So You Don't Waste Money
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    Why It's Harder for People of Certain Personality Types to Be on Time than For Others (And What to Do If This is You)
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    What Time Batching is and How to Save More Time than Ever Before By Implementing It
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    What % of Students Procrastinate, and Why This Should Be Encouraging to You
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    What % of Students Who Procrastinate Say It Hurts There Grades, and How to Avoid This
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    How You Can Outperform Students Who May Be "Naturally" Smarter Than You by Raising Your Effectiveness
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    The "Spider" Technique for Boosting Focus
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    The Reality of Using Meditation to Increase Your Productivity
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    How to REDUCE your risk of DEATH from ALL causes AND Work More Effectively...At the Exact Same Time!
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    The Tasty Candy that Increases your Focus
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    How to SAFELY "Sneak" in Some Studying While You're at the Gym
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    The 3 Crucial Pieces of a Winning Plan (Missing One Will Set You Way Back)
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    How to Quickly Set SMART Goals
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    How to Escape the "To-do List Frustration Cycle"
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    The James-Lange Theory of Emotion and Why "Faking It Until you Make It" Can Sometimes Actually Work
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    The "Snap-Back" Effect that Will Stop Your Attempts to Get Better at Time Management Until You Understand It
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    A Killer Tactic From a Top Law Student for Finishing Work
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    How Stress Impacts Decision Making...And How Time Management Can Fix This
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    How Your Lifestyle Choices (Diet, Sleep, etc.) Impact Your Productivity
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    When to Spend More Time Planning, And When Planning More is a Waste

And That's Not All...

In the big book of life, there's only 1 time: NOW! Which is why if you order NOW, you'll also get a FREE BONUS VIDEO on how to budget time on multiple choice exams!

Here's a sample of what you'll learn in this awesome 34 minute bonus video:

  • How to quickly divide the questions up by difficulty
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    How to make a winning pre-test game plan
  • The secret 25-50-25 rule for managing time on any test​​
  • The SIMPLE rules that instantly tell you the right pace for answering the questions with extra time 

Frequently Asked Questions

As speculator as this offer is, it won't be right for everyone. And that's totally cool with me. But what still keeps me up at night personally is knowing it's possible for some students who would benefit from this training course to miss out. 

You see, I know firsthand how valuable this information is. Because of this, I HATE the thought of someone not joining the course because of some error or omission in my explanation. This is why I racked my brain for hours to come up with a short list of questions that when left unanswered might cause you to say "no" to this incredible offer. 

Why should I trust that you know what you're talking about?

Why would anyone pay for this?

Why take an online course through Test Prep Champions? 

Is this course just for college students?

Can't I just figure out all of this stuff from books?

This looks like a lot of work. Will I have time to go through all this?

Get instant access to The Time Management Transformation now!


Lifetime Access Price Today - Just $97 

If you insist on waiting, here's what you have to look forward too: sleepless nights...intense uncertainty...endless to-do lists...extraordinary discomfort in your lower back from sitting all day studying...and the pain of missing out on parties, social gatherings, and relaxation because you had to study. Why wait when you can get start getting results today?

Is Time Management Really That Important?

If you have any more doubts about how important mastering time management is, just take a look at some of these quotes. Once you've read these quotes from some of the greatest thinkers of all time, I'm sure you'll convince yourself for your own reasons why this information is so valuable to you. 

A man who dares to waste one hour of life has not discovered the value of life.

Charles Darwin

Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of.

Benjamin Franklin

Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else.

Peter Drucker

The time for action is now. It’s never too late to do something.

Carl Sandburg 

This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it.

Ralph Waldo Emerson 

He lives long that lives well; and time misspent is not lived but lost.

Thomas Fuller

Make use of time, let not advantage slip.

William Shakespeare

Time = life; therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or master your time and master your life.

Alan Lakein

Meet the Course Creator

Parker Smith

Founder, Test Prep Champions

Hi, I'm Parker. I founded Test Prep Champions to help students reach their academic goals. I'm a University of Pittsburgh graduate, and am now a student at the University of Pennsylvania. I created this course because I wasn't satisfied with the limited amount of high-quality info for students seeking to improve their time management skills. This course is a total brain dump of everything I know about time management. I just wish it course existed when I was in undergrad!

Before I Buy, How Can I Preview the Course?

I released several videos throughout the development of the course. If you're just looking for a preview, then I recommend watching the final look video. But if you're looking to see the progression of the Time Management Transformation starting in the early stages, you can also re-experience the first and second looks!

Click here for an exclusive look inside the course!

The Best Time to Start Getting More Time is Now! $375 

Join Today for Just $97

Before you blink, there'll be another assignment demanding your attention. You can spend your whole life fighting to keep up--or get The Time Management Transformation and start fighting back today. Join the course, because you'll get better grades and test scores while still gaining more time to enjoy your life!




90 Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee

You are fully protected by our 90 day 100% Money-Back Guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase for any reason, please let us know and we will promptly refund every single penny (as long as you place your request within 90 days of the purchase). 

Parker Smith 

P.S. As you strongly consider ordering, think of all the time you'd save if you bought today. Just imagine how minutes from now you'll start learning how to end those long, miserable, days of grinding through deadline after deadline. The longer you wait, the more you risk getting passed in life by those who've already mastered time management.  So, why wait? Join today!

P.P.S. You don't have to buy now. But consider that the awesome bonus lesson on how to budget time during tests will also be yours instantly if you do. You will join the course, won't you?

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